
They JUST DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
they just dont know, self explanatory ., i got a cleaner more polished version of this beat if u wanna purchase owiseo@aol.com

this one comes witha neck brace , real grimey street gutter joint . hit up owiseo@aol.com for info on purchasing

Jazzy HORN Joint
this a uptempo jazzy type joint . owiseo@aol.com is the email to cop the beats

this The Iraqi resistance beat.. i was jus tryn something different . this is the ruff draft version , i have a better version for kats wantn to cop .,owiseo@aol.com

Smooth joint
this a mellow type joint , kat hit me up with the sample wantn me to make it , so i did , not my usual vibe , but still hot

Bench Press'r
this some shit to go bench press a car to owiseo@aol.com to purchase., this a ruff mix , got the final for ppl wantn to purchase

Thee Originals Vol. 1
ok, thier is 15 diffrent beats in the 1 mp3 . thier all around 40 secs long . the whole mp3 is like 8 mins . tons of diff flavor. so LISTEN ALL the way threw.

Thee Originals Vol. 2
ok,once again 15 more beat mixd into 1 mp3. listen all the way threw all sorts of heat .contact owiseo@aol.com to purchase