
Picture for song 'ANTHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' by artist 'Originals'



Hip Hop

Picture for song 'They JUST DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!' by artist 'Originals'

They JUST DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

they just dont know, self explanatory ., i got a cleaner more polished version of this beat if u wanna purchase owiseo@aol.com

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' by artist 'Originals'


this one comes witha neck brace , real grimey street gutter joint . hit up owiseo@aol.com for info on purchasing

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'SOULFULL (vocal joint)' by artist 'Originals'

SOULFULL (vocal joint)

lots of SOUL in this oneowiseo@aol.com to purchase license'n rights

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'THA STREETS!!' by artist 'Originals'


This a heater.,grimey street joint

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Jazzy HORN Joint' by artist 'Originals'

Jazzy HORN Joint

this a uptempo jazzy type joint . owiseo@aol.com is the email to cop the beats

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'IRAQ ATTACK' by artist 'Originals'


this The Iraqi resistance beat.. i was jus tryn something different . this is the ruff draft version , i have a better version for kats wantn to cop .,owiseo@aol.com

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Smooth joint' by artist 'Originals'

Smooth joint

this a mellow type joint , kat hit me up with the sample wantn me to make it , so i did , not my usual vibe , but still hot

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Bench Press'r' by artist 'Originals'

Bench Press'r

this some shit to go bench press a car to owiseo@aol.com to purchase., this a ruff mix , got the final for ppl wantn to purchase

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'aLL i Can dO!!!!' by artist 'Originals'

aLL i Can dO!!!!

east coast type joint , mellow vibe, contact owiseo@aol.com to purchase

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Gutter Guitar' by artist 'Originals'

Gutter Guitar

gutter guitar joint

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Thee Originals Vol. 1' by artist 'Originals'

Thee Originals Vol. 1

ok, thier is 15 diffrent beats in the 1 mp3 . thier all around 40 secs long . the whole mp3 is like 8 mins . tons of diff flavor. so LISTEN ALL the way threw.

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Thee Originals Vol. 2' by artist 'Originals'

Thee Originals Vol. 2

ok,once again 15 more beat mixd into 1 mp3. listen all the way threw all sorts of heat .contact owiseo@aol.com to purchase

Hip Hop