The Bent Strings

Acoustic middle of the road.

9 top 50
47 songs
39.3K plays
Picture for song 'When the Angels Carry You Home' by artist 'The Bent Strings'

When the Angels Carry You Home

#27 in Acoustic Vocals

Picture for song 'Find Her Way Home 2' by artist 'The Bent Strings'

Find Her Way Home 2

Leaving a bad relationship

Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Blood Clot Blues' by artist 'The Bent Strings'

Blood Clot Blues


Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'No Place for a Child' by artist 'The Bent Strings'
Picture for song 'Gonna Be Just Fine' by artist 'The Bent Strings'

Gonna Be Just Fine

Pop Rock 106 BPM 4/4 No samples

The Bent Strings are: Paul Mckendrick Just a rough mix of songs I wrote and recorded as a hobby. Patience and Persistence are NOT to be under rated. Actually I love the songwriting process, it's recording that I'm not too fond of, but there are usually surprises along the way. Anyone wishing to do a cover, remix, or whatever is welcome and encouraged, just send me an email.
Band/artist history
No Band
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Not at the moment
Your musical influences
Beatles, (Early)Dire Straits, Harry Chapin, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Supertramp, Kathleen Edwards, John Prine, Todd Snider, Johnny Clegg, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Steve Forbert, Steve Earle, Jim Croce, Cat Stevens, Goo Goo Dolls, Jill Phillips, and Jennifer Knapp. Soundclick Artist that I listen to regularly: JulieJames, Lisette Cole, Lynn Carey Saylor, Higherplane, Meichern, Angela Lang, Anne Davis, Amy's Confession, Jenae, Jerks in Jeans, Fionna Faulk, Kristine Santiago, Kristen Rini, Ellie, Alex Stangl and of course the 788 club, plus many more.
What equipment do you use?
Always changing. Just recently moved from recording onto a stand alone digital recorder, to complete computer recording. (so far I prefer the tone of the digital recorder).
Anything else?
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