Xavier J

New York, NY  USA
April 04, 2006
652 plays
Xavier J. is a local nyc DJ/ Producer/ Performer. He has extensive film credits such as teen Gomez in Addams Family, appeared in countless videos for MTV from Boy George to Crystal Waters and Gloria Estevan and has modeled for numerous magazines including Surface and Italian Vogue. Growing up in New York City in the 80's in Soho and Tribeca forever influenced his fashion, cultural and musical tastes. His travels as a model throughout Europe exposed him to new genres of music such as europop, techno, and electro. The current nyc 80's synth-pop revival has brought his music full circle.Xavier J. is currently recording and performing in the Big Apple.
Band/artist history
I have only been making myown music -and remixes for others-for 2 years.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I do play live a couple of times a month.I am part of the nyc undergroud electro-clubkid-fashion scene.New york has some of the best clubs in the world but not very live performer friendly.Someties I perform for a thousand people at clubs like crobar or 10 poeple at dive bars like the slide.I always give the best I can no matter how many people are watching.
Your musical influences
I love 80's new wave!Dead or alive are my heros and people with great style like Duran Duran or Annie Lennox make me want ot also recreate my image.Even though I am not much or a rock person my greatest insperation is David Bowie.
What equipment do you use?
Mostly software synths.V-station is my favorite along with Vanguard.I was recording with Cubase but I have been phasing that out for Live-5 which is really amazing.I also have novation's X-station which is a synth/midi controller/audio interface.
Anything else?
I don't usually eat dairy but I love nachos at the movies!
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New York, NY  USA
April 04, 2006
652 plays