
Picture for song 'Annsay(remix)' by artist 'futurejazz'


In memory

#10 in Smooth Jazz

Picture for song 'Can it the prelude' by artist 'futurejazz'

Can it the prelude

Can it jazzfusion stripped down to the core

#9 in Jazz General

Picture for song 'layer@' by artist 'futurejazz'
Picture for song 'Topdown' by artist 'futurejazz'
Picture for song 'Can it' by artist 'futurejazz'

Can it

Can you tell genuine,insincere,false?

#4 in Nu Jazz

Jazz fusion digital sound composer based in London south , Chuns top ten funkjazz playlist here, .Music content is on my Tiktok and Twitter link.

6 top 1
127 top 50
322 songs
174K plays
Futurejazz Fusions , I have a great love of sounds and music,many years listening to many genres . I use computer programs which allow me to experiment and compose with lots of sounds and music styles and to get the hybrid ideas and soundscapes out of my head into the real world .Check out FjaZ on twitter for deeper breakdown on ideas and music sound intrests.
Band/artist history
A long history of listening to all kinds of music anything electic always appealed to me.A little unusual and I am intrested musical phrases or melodies you can feel.Started with a friend who was a great multi instrumentalist just creating his own music I would listen in and got the idea to create for myself using modern digital technology also along the way learned piano and electronic wind synths.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Family and friends mainly into the creative taking an idea and sound and seeing where that goes to.
Your musical influences
Miles Davis,Mike Brecker,Chick Corea,Bill Evans Herbie Hancock.Miles davis in particular his later years with his emphasis on beat and modern groove elements.
What equipment do you use?
Trusty pc plus lots of software most of Ej software range,samples plus fruity loops music Makerrange Sony acid 6,Magix samplitude,Magix music studio,Mixcraft, Livid virtual drums,Akai mini mpk,Akai wind emu,Roland aerophone inst, Midstart pro 2Emu 25 controller keyboards.
Anything else?
To be creative....
On playlists (110)


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