Angela Congrove

Angela Congrove, acoustic piano and guitar

61 songs
9.3K plays
Picture for song 'thinking' by artist 'Angela Congrove'
Picture for song 'Zombie (Cranberries Cover)' by artist 'Angela Congrove'

Zombie (Cranberries Cover)

Song originally by the Cranberries

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Creature of the Night - rough draft' by artist 'Angela Congrove'

Creature of the Night - rough draft

Inspired by the need to let things go.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Wall' by artist 'Angela Congrove'
Picture for song '"Michelle" Beatles cover' by artist 'Angela Congrove'

"Michelle" Beatles cover

Cover Songs

'Oceans' Evanescence cover
Band/artist history
I started writing songs at the age of 13 years old. I started using soundclick during my freshman year of high school. Most of these recordings are quite old.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yeah but then I got anxiety and couldn't do it anymore
Your musical influences
First, Amy Lee of Evanescence. I absolutely love the vocals and piano that she writes. I also liked to listen to my dad play guitar when I was younger.


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