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Bernardo Padron

Bernardo Padron
3 songs
80 plays
Picture for song 'Lullaby for Oscar' by artist 'Bernardo Padron'

Lullaby for Oscar

For my first nephew, Oscar.
Picture for song 'No sweat' by artist 'Bernardo Padron'

No sweat

With ease, fresh and spontaneous.
Picture for song 'Danni' by artist 'Bernardo Padron'


For my daughter...
SeaDance is available for purchase at We live in a world of constant change, disturbance, agitatition and agitators, in which the quest for personal identity often means trampling on others or implies violence. However, listening to Bernardo Padron's music on this CD reconciles me to many things. For me it is 'a joy forever' because it embraces beauty, transmits peace, and is fresh and original. The melodies are singable and easy to remember. The intention behind their creation was to avoid mere virtuosity. Bernardo told me, 'I feel that much of todays music is inexpressive and often lacks the beauty that can transport us to another place. I'm looking for greater depth and feeling in my melodies'. Bernardo's group has been playing together for the past four years-enough time to get to know each other well and pursue the same aims. Junior Romero is one of our best pianists; he is studious and sensitive and never departs from style where the most important thing is content. whats expressed, and not acrobatic showing off. Roberto Koch is a 25 years old anthropolist (who graduated in 2000) and excelent musician and bass player, who seeks beauty and musical quality in every note he plays. There is no doubt that Carlos Nene Quintero is the most musical percussionist in Venezuela. Coming from a family with a long musical tradition and many succesful musicians, his total dominion of technique is always displayed with goos taste. Bernardo studied music in Canada and one day came back here, perhaps to stay - where he discovered the warmith and esteem of the many friends who care for him. This record is an expression of Bernardo himself: sensitivity and musicality as player and also as composer and arranger of all the pieces. Beautiful, haunting themes. It sounds good, it sounds natural and it sounds intimate. Will yoaccompany me and enjoy this music? We will be companions in an adventure where we'll get to know Bernardo Padrón better. His music is beautiful. -Jacques Braunstein
Band/artist history
Bernardo Padron (saxophonist-composer) was born in Caracas, Venezuela. From the age of 5 until the age of 27 he lived in Canada, growing up in Ottawa, and studying in Toronto. He then returned to Venezuela, and lived in Caracas for the following 12 years. Now, since October of 2003, although maintaining an active working base in Caracas, Bernardo has made Toronto, Ontario once again, his home. After graduating from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Music Performance program in 1986, Bernardo played tenor and alto sax in the Toronto Latin musical community, as well as recording with various local jazz projects (Don Valley Parkway, Mosaic) as a sideman. In the spring of 1991, Bernardo travelled to Habana, Cuba to study Cuban percussion and arranging until February of 1992. Upon arriving in Caracas in 1992, he was quickly integrated into the jazz scene, and began playing with Venezuela's top jazz artists (Biela DaCosta, El Gallo Velasquez, Jesús 'Chucho' Sanoja, and Martes 8:30, among others). During this time, Bernardo participated as tenor saxophonist on the following recordings: Biela DaCosta's 'Jazz and Blues' (1994), Andy Duran's 'Timeless' Vol.1 (1996), Ramón Carranza's 'Carranza Jazz' (1996), Martes 8:30's 'Ayer y Hoy' (1998), Gerardo Chacon's 'Espacial' (2000), and Frank Quintero's 'Celebración' (2003). In the commercial-pop genre, Bernardo has toured with Venezuela's internationally aclaimed artists: Kiara, Luz Marina (as musical director) and Frank Quintero. From 1998 until early 2003, Bernardo divided his professional time equally in the areas of music production (for documentaries and television commercials) teaching and performing with his jazz group, with which he recorded his first Compact Disc as leader, composer, and producer: 'SEADANCE', released in 2001 and distributed internationally by Latin World Entertainment. Presently, Bernardo is concentrating on reintegrating himself into the Canadian jazz scene, and preparing for his next CD.
Anything else?
SeaDance is available for purchase at


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