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Khemikul Koncept (Fresh Sketch Productions)

Khemikul Koncept (Fresh Sketch Productions)

hard, deep, upbeat, progressive, jungle, techno, house, drum n bass, hip-hop, Khemikul Koncept, electronica, hype,

1 songs
193 plays
Picture for song 'It Feels Right' by artist 'Khemikul Koncept (Fresh Sketch Productions)'

It Feels Right

this is a jungle track with a mad bassline, and mellow female vocals
Khemikul Koncept was created in 2000, there is only 1 member which is Shaine O'Brien. My sound consist of anything from jungle and drum n bass, to techno, trance, house, and even a bit of hip-hop. I have been producing music for almost 7 years, along with DJing for about 2 years. my sound is usually upbeat, dark, and errie
Band/artist history
Khemikul Koncept has been active since 2000, and is still improving and producing music to this day. there is not much history other than countless hours in my home studio. my first cd is coming out in 2006, and will be a compilation cd
Have you performed in front of an audience?
i do not play live yet, but hope to very soon, my actual cd will be coming out in 2006, and when that is done i will be throwing private parties.
Your musical influences
my influences come from everyday life and things i see and hear, i could be walking down the sidewalk and get an idea for a track. some my pesonal influences would have to be, Freaky Flow, mystical influence, astral projection, ed rush and optical, capital J, DJ Hype, but even though these are my influences my music is alwayse unique and comes from inside of me, and what i feel.
What equipment do you use?
i basically have a studio set up in my room, i run my studio off my PC. I use Fruity loops to create my music. i also have a keyboard hooked up to my computer, and a set of turntables and mixer hooked up to my PC as well
Anything else?
keep it real and party hard, peace!
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