Misery loves company....
He loves well who never forgets. And we will make sure that you never forget. La unidad will make sure that these thoughts never die, because the dead and the absent have no friends.
Si. Everywhere. Por su puesto. Quando sea. But grass doesn't grow on a busy street. I'm an artist first.. I create...
A wise man once said "Let not the tongue utter what the head must pay for". So I think I'll keep this one to myself.
Mind body and soul
"The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
"If you win non-violently, then you have a double victory, you have not only won your fight, but you remain free."
"If youre outraged at conditions, then you cant possibly be free or happy until you devote all your time to changing them and do nothing but that. But you cant change anything if you want to hold onto a good job, a good way of life and avoid sacrifice."
Cesar Chavez. Director of the United Farm Workers (1927-1993)