The Headliners
Emmanuel Selveraj - Vocals, Guitar
Sibbin Sunny - Bass
Dennis Thomas - Drums
Chris Hayward - Guitar, vocals
We are a 4 piece Christian Rock band, with quite a varying range of styles. We have a few American Punk covers, but since we've had Chris, things have been more bluesy.
We're all from Cheltenham in the UK.
Started out with Emmanuel leaving a band with members of Abstruse. After he left, he asked friends Sibbin and Denis to start playing instruments. The trio began practising at Denis' house, and things have been like that until Chris. Chris entered to give the band a new direction, perhaps more bluesy.
Mostly church hall gigs and that kind of thing, a few school gigs.
Green Day, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Emmanuel (Manny):Epiphone explorer and laney 65watt hcm reverb
Chris:Mainia telecaster and peavey bandit
Sibbin:squier bronco bass and 65 watt hcm laney
Denis: Cool sounding premier kit borrowed from Abstruse drummer (Alex rainsley)