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The Mad Crazy

The Mad Crazy

It's hard to describe.

3 songs
60 plays
Picture for song 'Sometimes I Like To Be A Monster' by artist 'The Mad Crazy'

Sometimes I Like To Be A Monster

This song tries to interpret what it sounds like to dress up and pretend to be a monster.
Picture for song 'I'm A Scary Goblin' by artist 'The Mad Crazy'

I'm A Scary Goblin

Written by Sir Gobblington of The Mad Crazy, this song deals with the temptations and pressures of everyday life.
Picture for song 'Talent Show Audition' by artist 'The Mad Crazy'

Talent Show Audition

You are up against Phil Intheblank at the Talent Show, and you forgot to write a song! You gotta play it from the soul to win their hearts. You are Ghost Baby.
As the Ambassadors of Planet Rupert, we have traveled back in time to your Earth and we plan on saving you BEFORE the children of today build the Robots that will one day slaughter us all... How, you ask? Well, we havn't figured that out yet, we were just impressed that the time machine worked... But we have a strong feeling that, through the musical teachings of diversity, conceptualism, acceptance and the history of Planet Rupert, we can make your Planet a better place... at least until those Robots are built.
Band/artist history
We're from your future, and you our from our past.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Sometimes we play live, sometimes we play dead.
Your musical influences
Dresser Drawers and Cellar Doors, banana peels and apple cores, rusty nails and open sores, sandy shores and hardwood floors. Dogs that have fleas. Pickle Jars and Foreign Cars, Cottage Cheese and Candy Bars, Kitchen Grease and Life on Mars, Battle Scars and Bingo Stars. A bird's backward knees. Bottle tops, electric clocks, and the kind that ticks and tocks, rabbit tales and bobby socks, colored chalks and melting rocks. Your next question please?
What equipment do you use?
Our own.
Anything else?
Can I have a to-go box?
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