Blue Toms Projects

Playing blues and rock as well as we can.

44 top 1
47 top 50
75 songs
615K plays
Picture for song 'Chase the night' by artist 'Blue Toms Projects'

Chase the night

Lyrics & Composition by H.K.-Cat and Hans Mayer, Vocals by H.K.-Cat, Guitars by H.K.-Cat & BlueTom

#2 in Progressive Metal 127 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Lost my keys' by artist 'Blue Toms Projects'
Picture for song 'Southern Shinedown' by artist 'Blue Toms Projects'

Southern Shinedown

Vocals & Lyrics by H.K.-Cat, Guitars by H.K.Cat & BlueTom, Drums & Bass by BlueTom, Music by H.K.Cat & Hans Mayer.

#3 in Southern Rock 70 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Let me Rock' by artist 'Blue Toms Projects'

Let me Rock

Vocals by H.K.-Cat, Guitars by H.K.-Cat & BlueTom, Music and Lyrics by The.Row

#3 in Hard Rock 151 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Higher Ground' by artist 'Blue Toms Projects'

Higher Ground

Lyrics & Vocals by H.K.-Cat, Guitars: H.K.-Cat & BlueTom

#2 in Rock General 120 BPM 4/4 No samples

Princess of the night
Hi there. I'm playing guitar since the middle of 2002. Since the end of 2005 I'm playing with other people via and and also collaborate at the . But also doing my own tunes
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, on small locations and on private parties
Your musical influences
SRV, Hendrix, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, John Mayell, Robben Ford.... think the list is endless
What equipment do you use?
I've a Line 6 Variax Guitar and a POD XT-live.


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