Music provided by Jin Thao Instrumentals. Lots of thanks to him and Nani for allowing me to work on this project. I haven't worked on a song for a long time.
This was originally thought up during korean movies when beautiful girls were crying. :)
Just had to do another song with Voyce. credits for the beat goes to Beatstorage.
Not Official, ANTI-GANGSTA stuff. Beat is from
L-Lusive Entertainment:
Haven't gottend permision yet. just finished
Thanks to Moua Yang from Voyce for asking me to work on music again after such a long break from music (for both of us). . It turned out great. ....I havn't told any1 this but I dedicate/made this to/for my girlfriend. Beat by JinThao Instrumentals
Sorry guys, this song is all in Hmong. I wanted to do a song that would be appropriate for slow dancing. Abnotic Records once again with the beat.
You can still check out the Lyrics/translations.