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Masters of the Universe (MoU)

Masters of the Universe (MoU)

A modern rock n roll band fronted by three songwriters--Jim Fusco, Mike Fusco, and Chris Moore--who base most of their songs on acoustic guitar or piano. They

4 songs
452 plays
Picture for song 'Marie' by artist 'Masters of the Universe (MoU)'


'Marie' is an acoustic guitar/harmonica-based song that sounds all the better with electric guitar and drums!
Picture for song 'Hit it Big' by artist 'Masters of the Universe (MoU)'

Hit it Big

A demo of Mike Fusco's first contribution to MoU, a single-worthy jam that featured prominently at their first show.
Picture for song 'That Was The Day' by artist 'Masters of the Universe (MoU)'

That Was The Day

The quintessential rock song written by Jim Fusco and, in this version, backed by Chris and Becky -- the two main characters in the song ('a great man' and 'the perfect girl').
Picture for song 'Harmony' by artist 'Masters of the Universe (MoU)'


Little known fact: The middle of the song was originally '...I need you, soundCLICK here right now!'...
MoU has taken their influences and used them to create a style all their own. They've taken the styles of the Masters of Rock (Dylan, Brian Wilson, Lennon/McCartney, etc.) and have updated them to make a fresh, unique sound. With great guitar and harmonica solos, amazing drumming, solid bass lines, and HARMONIES GALORE, MoU creates an infectious sound. Find out why they're the Next Big Thing in Rock Music!!
Band/artist history
JIM FUSCO: Lead guitar, vocals. ("Harmony) MIKE FUSCO: Drums, guitar, vocals. ("Hit it Big") CHRIS MOORE: Acoustic guitar, harmonica, vocals. ("Marie") CLIFF HUIZENGA: Bass, vocals. BECKY DALY: Percussion, keyboards, vocals.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Whenever we can. We just played our first official show at The Space in Hamden and we hope to return soon! We love it, especially when we look out in the audience and see people listening, dancing, or maybe even singing along.
Your musical influences
Beatles, Beach Boys, Moody Blues, Byrds, America, Ben Folds, Jack Johnson, Ben Folds, Barenaked Ladies, Wondermints, Wallflowers, Bob Dylan.
What equipment do you use?
Predominantly Ibanez guitars, with a Fender thrown in here or there for good measure.
Anything else?
Bandnames that we scrapped: Rock Face Meaningless The Kyle Marano Trio Homestead's Revenge


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