The Trying

Progressive / electronic / rock / rap Whatever I feel is right

7 top 50
127 songs
1.1K plays
Picture for song 'My Narrow Concept of Jealousy' by artist 'The Trying'

My Narrow Concept of Jealousy


Picture for song 'Her Lustful Commodification (Violet's Service)' by artist 'The Trying'

Her Lustful Commodification (Violet's Service)

Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'Sex Cells' by artist 'The Trying'

Sex Cells


Picture for song 'Ghostly Manipulator, Stillborn Marionette' by artist 'The Trying'

Ghostly Manipulator, Stillborn Marionette

Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Loudness Whore (Violet's Collapse)' by artist 'The Trying'

Loudness Whore (Violet's Collapse)

Alternative General

The Trying. A name representing something we must constantly be doing in our lives. This is the epitome of myself. This is my space without restrictions. The personal/political - inseparably wound.
Band/artist history
The Trying was started in 2005. It has existed mostly without much promotion and exposure. My intent is to change this, from here on out.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Not at the moment, but I hope to be playing live come Spring 2014
Your musical influences
At the Drive-In, The Blood Brothers, Bright Eyes, Eminem, Immortal Technique, Life of Agony, Marilyn Manson, The Mars Volta, MSI, NIN, Placebo


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