I just like to play guitar, I like to write songs and share ideas, I appreciate all aspects of music.
I like to experiment with new ideas and try different approaches to my music.
This site is just a place for me to share my inspirations with my family and friends.
Anyone else who may like what I have is a bonus.
I am just home studio recording artist who like to experiment with all aspects of Rock, living in the Western Hemisphere of Canada.
80's Rock, Classic Rock.
Favorite Guitar Hero - Angus Young
Mesa Mark V Head with 6L6 tubes.
Mesa Stiletto Traditional 4x12 cab loaded with Celestion v30's.
2002 Gibson LP Classic, 2015 Gibson SG Standard, Parker PM20, Ibanez SZ720, Gretsch Electromatic 6120 guitars.
Axiom49 Keyboard.
Focusrite Scarlet with KRK Rokit 6 monitors.
All songs done on a Mac.