Zombie Militia is one man noise-grind band formed from the ashes of the now defunct Hacked Into Pieces
Zombie Milita was a one man noisecore project started from the ashes of Hacked Into Pieces. its just an excuse to make senseless noise.
Meat Shits, Genital Masticator, Anal Cunt, Napalm Suck, Benumb, Cripple Bastards, None Of Your Fucking Business, 7 Minutes Of Nausea, Permanent Death, Arsedestroyer, Sore Throat, Senseless Apocalypse, Anal Massaker, Warsore, The Gerogerigegege, and Deche Charge
Epiphone SG Guitar(first couple of demos) or BC Rich Warlock guitar (recent demos), Line 6 Amp, Fruity Loops for drums, samples, and synths all recorded on to Sony Acid Pro 6.0
poo poo pee pee