Gordo Y Flaco Productions


2 top 50
8 songs
2.1K plays
Picture for song 'La Peticion De Mi Corazon' by artist 'Gordo Y Flaco Productions'

La Peticion De Mi Corazon


Picture for song 'Nena' by artist 'Gordo Y Flaco Productions'
Picture for song 'Acepta A Cristo' by artist 'Gordo Y Flaco Productions'

Acepta A Cristo


Picture for song 'Rompiendo Cadenas' by artist 'Gordo Y Flaco Productions'

Rompiendo Cadenas


Picture for song 'Renovao De Fe' by artist 'Gordo Y Flaco Productions'

Renovao De Fe


This is the one and only Gordo Y Flaco Productions. We are here to see if people like our music. Music is our passion and life. We consist of two producers, Josue aka El Borinqueno (Christian Rap and Reggaeton) and Cisco aka El Flaco (Rap and Reggaeton).
Band/artist history
We have known eachother for many years and we recently put our talents together and work to reach our goal.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We are just starting out, but Josue has experience singing live in church and on stage.
Your musical influences
Well, for Josue it would be God, Funky, Vico C, and Mexicano. For Flaco it would be Dj Joe, Dj Adam, Don Omar, Hector El Bambino, and Tego.
What equipment do you use?
Computer, piano, drums, guitar, etc.
Anything else?
We want people to let us know what they think of our music and what we can do to make it better, dont hate.


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