This webpage hosts the GREATEST HITS OF JARED MANLEY. It includes some of his recent solo songs, some hits off of his Macbethean Rock opera, as well as a few treats from his low-fi, postmodern psychedelic freak-out "band" from high school. The newest stuff is at the top of the MUSIC page on this site, the oldest stuff - going as far back as sixth grade - is down at the bottom.
Warning: If listened to under the right circumstances, they may induce JARED MANIA.
There are tracks on this page from a few different music projects I have been involved with over the years. All have their own VH1 Behind-the-Music specials. Rent them today!
Woah, slow done there. But hey, it could happen.
This is great to give people an idea of what to expect. Are you more into crashing guitars or motown r&b? (It's also great to drop keywords for search engines.)This is great to give people an idea of what to expect. Are you more into crashing guitars or motown r&b? (It's also great to drop keywords for search engines.)This is great to give people an idea of what to expect. Are you more into crashing guitars or motown r&b? (It's also great to drop keywords for search engines.)This is great to give people an idea of what to expect. Are you more into crashing guitars or motown r&b? (It's also great to drop keywords for search engines.)This is great to give people an idea of what to expect. Are you more into crashing guitars or motown r&b? (It's also great to drop keywords for search engines.)
What equipment do YOU use?
A lot of these songs were composed in collaboration with my friends. For example:
Dan Gross and I collaborated on the Macbeth Rock Opera. He plays most of the instruments on those tracks. I mothered the project, wrote the lyrics, bickered with Dan over petty things, hummed some of the melodies, and took all the credit when I handed it in for my final project in my Shakespeare class (I jest).
I play the part of King Duncan, heard briefly in the "Slayed Them All and Started Singing..."
Kyle Martin played the part of Macbeth, and due to casting problems, the part of Malcolm as well (You weren't supposed to know that, though)
Dan Gross plays the part of Banquo
Hailey Arnot was Lady Macbeth
Jesse Witcher was Macduff (and the Captain in the first track, too)
Kramer Collins was Donalbain
Darrell Monti was Ross
Celia Marks, Skye Marchesi and Elissa Barstow were our lovely witches
"Miss Medicine" was written by me, but Dan Gross plays all the instruments on it, and he also tried very hard to harmonize with me
"Mothersucka" was written by Danno Dubois, Dan Gross and myself. I sing, Dan Gross plays the fake piano.
"What Would the Cavemen Say" was written by Danno, Dan Gross, and myself. We all sing, Dan played the guitar
"The Reddest Rudolph" was preformed by Danno and I
"Forever Love" was written and sung by Kyle and I. The backbeat was ripped off from a Korean pop song.
"Caffine Fixxx" was written and sung by Danno, Dan and myself. Dan Gross plays the guitar riff and the bassy second solo, I play the first sloppy guitar solo
"Jesus Meets the Easter Bunny" was written and sung by me. Leslie Wakefield played the organ intro.
"Jared Manley's Big Day" was created by Sean Magee and myself in sixth grade on my ancient Compaq computer.
The last track on the page "Come Aboard" is the debut track from Sean Magee's new band, Timeship Earth. I wish I could claim to have helped create that song, but alas - Sean lives in Portland, OR and we have little time to collaborate anymore. I decided to upload that song anyways, because it really is something to behold, and it certainly fits into my extended family of musical projects.
Everything else was on this page was created by me, me, me.