Karla Cruz

Des Moines, WA  USA
March 22, 2003
4,934 plays
Finally, a Woman Who Runs With the Weasels!
Band/artist history
I was born a poor brown child. But now I own things like a violin, guitars, a computer, and a killer home studio (ProTools), which I have not completely figured out how to use. I released my first CD, "Too Long Away" The second cd called "Re-Tread i released in 2007 and am now working on my third - due out, I hope sometime in 2008
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Sometimes. I only like it if the sound is decent.
Your musical influences
The Beatles of course. Everything. I sound like a cross between Chryssie Hynde, Sheryl Crow, Abba and Karen Carpenter. If that ain't confusing things I don't know what is. I can't keep away from vocal harmonies. For the most part, you will find them in all of my music.
Anything else?
Get my cds at: www.cdbaby.com/cd/karlacruz Visit my page: www.karlacruz.net
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