Karla Cruz

Alternative laced rock/country/pop

1 top 1
5 songs
4.9K plays
Picture for song 'Life in the Last Lane' by artist 'Karla Cruz'

Life in the Last Lane

Written for a musician who could not understand why he had not 'MADE IT!' yet


Picture for song 'Witches Heartache' by artist 'Karla Cruz'

Witches Heartache

Someone stole my paintbox. I can no longer paint.

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Baby Blue Harley' by artist 'Karla Cruz'

Baby Blue Harley

Alternative Country

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Help Me' by artist 'Karla Cruz'

Help Me

Lush, simple plea for help.

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Too Long Away' by artist 'Karla Cruz'

Too Long Away

Longing to go back home.

Alternative General

Finally, a Woman Who Runs With the Weasels!
Band/artist history
I was born a poor brown child. But now I own things like a violin, guitars, a computer, and a killer home studio (ProTools), which I have not completely figured out how to use. I released my first CD, "Too Long Away" The second cd called "Re-Tread i released in 2007 and am now working on my third - due out, I hope sometime in 2008
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Sometimes. I only like it if the sound is decent.
Your musical influences
The Beatles of course. Everything. I sound like a cross between Chryssie Hynde, Sheryl Crow, Abba and Karen Carpenter. If that ain't confusing things I don't know what is. I can't keep away from vocal harmonies. For the most part, you will find them in all of my music.
Anything else?
Get my cds at: www.cdbaby.com/cd/karlacruz Visit my page: www.karlacruz.net


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