The tribe of the white willow

HIP HOP, Awesome, all in all the best hip hop band ever in existence ever...ever...

1 top 50
42 songs
2.3K plays
Picture for song 'Intro' by artist 'The tribe of the white willow'
Picture for song 'I Pledge Allegiance(totheTRIBE)' by artist 'The tribe of the white willow'

I Pledge Allegiance(totheTRIBE)

follow the leader, follow the leader!

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Bound By the Coke in the Lines' by artist 'The tribe of the white willow'

Bound By the Coke in the Lines

as christians ask WWJD i often find myself asking WWRD, whatever it is it ain't doin coke in his driveway! f***in nerds. - 3rd eye

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'I must try' by artist 'The tribe of the white willow'

I must try

as we think it we must try it

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Lyrical Receptors' by artist 'The tribe of the white willow'

Lyrical Receptors

Alternative Hip Hop

A five piece hip-hop band of 3 MC's and two DJ's/beat makers Unseen assassin, epidemic,southpaw and third eye Samuri are on the Mic.. SS is the beat maker "were a hip hop band, we incorporated many aspects into our music, and hope that people enjoy it" "the next big movement in the hip hop... underground is where the talent is"- roling slone
Band/artist history
Gabriel on the third moon begat the travesty and the tribe which begat G0D and unseen became not unseen and then mc scum the bumb and 3rd eye became thearize and mc scum the bumb turned into hiphopmotron and ss makes beats as beatSSmith which turned into the white willow connection..we roll deep fool
Have you performed in front of an audience?
no...not yet have but would
Your musical influences
atmosphere, eyedea and abilities, against me!, necro, tech n9ne, Immortal technique.... the truth mother fuckers..... READ BITCH!!
What equipment do you use?
magix music studio 2005 2 turn tables and micro phone
Anything else?


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