TC (uk)

Picture for song 'Somethings Changed' by artist 'TC (uk)'

Somethings Changed

Things ain't working out you don't know yourself anymore and you don't know that person anymore


Picture for song 'Confused Thinking' by artist 'TC (uk)'

Confused Thinking

its about a boy thats confused the girls hes with cheated and he loves so he doesn't know whether to go or stay so he goes with his instinct n tells her goodbye as its the only way.


Picture for song 'Pony' by artist 'TC (uk)'
Picture for song 'so sick' by artist 'TC (uk)'

so sick

sick of luv songs

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'you don't have to call' by artist 'TC (uk)'

you don't have to call

cover of ushers you don't have to call

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'jus cos (why can't I be me)' by artist 'TC (uk)'

jus cos (why can't I be me)

its abou stereotype
