
rugadh Sasanach - bás Éireannach

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11 songs
9.1K plays
Picture for song 'Fused' by artist 'Mar-Cie'


Helpme baby and I'll help you

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Enduring Love' by artist 'Mar-Cie'

Enduring Love

The song of the film of the book

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'There Is Nothing You Cannot Do' by artist 'Mar-Cie'

There Is Nothing You Cannot Do

Persistence and determination. (With thanks to J.S.xx)

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Wherever I Go' by artist 'Mar-Cie'

Wherever I Go

A beautiful obsession...

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Does It Matter' by artist 'Mar-Cie'

Does It Matter

Things will get better...promise!

Pop Rock

Irish Transgender female still living and breathing. Haven't written anything for ten years. Life intervened. I still trust my feelings when I listen to these old out of tune songs of hope and desperation.
Band/artist history
No idea how I got to where I am now, but so glad I did! Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Lots of times. Not for many years. Too frightened now. And too ugly and talentless. Honesty is a good trait to have.
Your musical influences
Life. And death - eventually.
What equipment do you use?
My heart.
Anything else?
Believe in love, believe in life. Trust your feelings. Exist. That's reason enough to get up in the morning.


Granada, Spain

Pop Pop Rock

id: 411873


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