Well-Tempered Gramophone

30 songs
8.5K plays
Picture for song 'Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations - Theme' by artist 'Well-Tempered Gramophone'

Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations - Theme

A PDF playable piano score is available of the complete work for only $10.00 US. E-mail: korelli@coastaccess.com


Picture for song 'Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 1' by artist 'Well-Tempered Gramophone'

Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 1


Picture for song 'Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 2' by artist 'Well-Tempered Gramophone'

Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 2


Picture for song 'Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 3' by artist 'Well-Tempered Gramophone'

Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 3


Picture for song 'Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 4' by artist 'Well-Tempered Gramophone'

Korelli - Op 49 Theme & Variations Variation 4


Ludwig Korelli is the "nĂ³me de guerre" of Charles A. Gazzari. Born in Buenos Aires (1942) from a family of Italian immigrants he took 5 years of piano lessons under Alma Melgar and 8 years under Vincenzo Scaramuzza. Efforts to become a concert pianist never panned out for various reasons. Deeply intrigued about the music of J.S. Bach since earlier years Mr. Korelli began to improvise counterpoint at age 8 or 9 and write some polyphony at 14. In 1965 he moved to the United States. In California he did much composing between the years 1969 and 1980. After that point all musical efforts were abandoned due to disenchantment arising at his inability to bring producers, performers or conductors to view the possibilities of New-Baroque composition. Mr.Korelli has recently again taken up composition using electronic media to produce and distribute his works.
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Mr. Korelli composes from his studio overlooking the canals of Ocean Shores, Washington.


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