
The Frankfurt based singer and songwriter danielgomez started his music in 1989. This page presents his musicwork, his creativity and his inner ThinkTank.

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88 songs
32.5K plays
Picture for song '"Bro's Dancemoves" (2023)' by artist 'danielgomez'

"Bro's Dancemoves" (2023)

Lead vocals and backing vocals by danielgomez & Danielicks (alias "Laufschuh Project")


Picture for song '"RUNNING LAUFSCHUH" (2023)' by artist 'danielgomez'


"RUNNING LAUFSCHUH" by danielgomez / Music, vocal melodies and lyrics written by D.-J. Gomez Ponce / Produced, arranged and mastered by D.J. Gomez Ponce / Lead vocals and backing vocals by danielgomez / copyrighted by danielgomezmusic 2023


Picture for song '"Que cara mas linda" (2023)' by artist 'danielgomez'

"Que cara mas linda" (2023)

Vocals performed by danielgomez & Danielicks, Original Sound Recording produced and arranged by D.-J. Gomez Ponce/Music, vocal melodies and lyrics composed and written by D.-J. Gomez Ponce/This recording is for experimental and creative purposes!


Picture for song '"Trauma" (2023)' by artist 'danielgomez'

"Trauma" (2023)

Music and lyrics written by D.-J. Gomez Ponce / Produced, arranged and mastered by D.-J. Gomez Ponce / Lead vocals and backing vocals by danielgomez


Picture for song 'A Different Corner (meets Lost Little One)' by artist 'danielgomez'

A Different Corner (meets Lost Little One)

A Different Corner (meets "Lost Little One"), Lyrics and vocal melodies&harmonies written by George Michael, Instrumental music written by D.-J. Gomez Ponce, Original sound recording produced by danielgomez, All instruments by danielgomez

#36 in Retro Pop No samples

Take one nice melody, add a warming voice plus the right amount of guitars and outline with grooving beats. Mix well and there is your perfect song, hehehe. ATTENTION!: THESE RECORDINGS ARE FOR EXPERIMENTAL, CREATIVE AND NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES! in case of comercial musicdeals with these presented tracks all the owners of the copyrights and works will be contacted for their permissions. For any questions regarding to danielgomezmusic songs please contact the artist. All the songs in collaboration are copyrighted by all the owners. The presentation of the songs is in favor of the rights and interests of the copyright owners.
Band/artist history
The Frankfurt based singer and songwriter daniel gomez, who was born on 13th of february in 1973, is no newcomer to the musicscene. Regarding to his main profession: He studied the science of education and educational psychology in the university of Frankfurt (Master Degree). He works since 2001 as an educational teacher/trainer in a familyhelp- and support- center near Frankfurt a. Main in Germany. Daniel started his music in 1989 at the age of 16, playing keyboards and composing pop and trivial melodies. At the age of 17 he had his first single released "Little Miss Heartache" (CBS/EPIC Records 1990), followed by "Dancing alone" (Sony Music 1991). His other projects were "Mi Buenos Aires querido" with Dreamland, "You" with Generate People, "Year of the cat" with Bastet One feat.D.Gomez, "Summertime" with 2-Together and "Heaven" with D.A. Niel. On the Soundrack of two german cinema movies you can listen to "Baby come back" by Daniel Gomez and "Guarachando" with D.A. Niel. In his student time he worked on some comercial productions like the "Chocko Crossis" comercialsong in Germany. Some of Daniel Gomez tracks contains the ingredients: 25% spanish roots of passion 40% english lyrics 10% innovation 25% rythm beats. Other songs contains the source of experimental power. Nowdays Daniel is interested in writing pop and experimental songs and creating experimental short movies & other forms of art. He likes to produce music by modifying the sounds of the instruments.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I used to perform live with my band "UNIQUE VIBES" in my free time till january 2008. Most of the time I performed with the band in the area of the county Hesse for fun. It was quite different to those times me performing as a solo artist between 1990 to 1995 in different German festivals of RPR radio, FFH radio, radio REGENBOGEN. I enjoyed the big performing in 1991 in the olimpia park in Munich with several musicbands like the early "FANTA 4" and Spidy Murphy Gang. It was quite funny.
Your musical influences
Leo Sayer, Roachford, Akeboshi, George Michael, David Bowie, Elton John, Richard Ashcroft, Paco de Lucia, Antonio Machin, Carlos Gardel, Chris de Burgh, America, Super Tramp, Spandau Ballet, Simple Red, Howard Jones (Dream into action), A-ha, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Karen Mok, experimental music from japan like ooiioo, momoyo the lizard, I love OKUDA MIWAKOs song "SHIZUKU", KUNDALINI BROTHERS, PHATLIVER and DALYRICOLOGIST
What equipment do you use?
Keyboards, Synthesizer and Guitars (Yamaha) & Co.
Anything else?
My biggest heroes are jesus and siddharta. They were aware of the way to themselves by looking at life like it is. So you can exist by behaving authentically in each moment. Attention!: In case of comercial musicdeals with these presented tracks all the owners of the copyrights and works will be contacted for their permissions. They are the ones who can give the permission of using and multiplying the songs for comercial and financial reasons. danielgomez has no comercial intensions by presenting the songs. All songs by danielgomezmusic (written, produced, arranged and performed by danielgomez) are copyrighted by danielgomez. For any questions regarding to danielgomezmusic songs please contact the artist. All the other songs in collaboration are copyrighted by all the owners. All photos by Guido Karp, Ph.o.t and Co., Daniel Gomez Ponce, etc. are copyrighted by the owners.


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