
Picture for song 'Kinkachoo I Love You' by artist 'KevinD'

Kinkachoo I Love You

Fingerstyle classical guitar with low F tuning

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Torija Elegia' by artist 'KevinD'

Torija Elegia

From Torroba's Castles of Spain Suite for Classical Guitar

Classical General

Picture for song 'Nostalgia Ernesto Cordero' by artist 'KevinD'

Nostalgia Ernesto Cordero

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Ode to the Guitar No 5' by artist 'KevinD'

Ode to the Guitar No 5

Number 5 from the set of 10 miniatures


Picture for song 'Prelude in Eminor' by artist 'KevinD'

Prelude in Eminor

Classical General

Picture for song 'JS Bach Bouree in E minor' by artist 'KevinD'

JS Bach Bouree in E minor

Classic hits -- heyyyy!


Picture for song 'JS Bach Prelude in Dmin' by artist 'KevinD'

JS Bach Prelude in Dmin


Picture for song 'Luis Milan Pavana 6' by artist 'KevinD'

Luis Milan Pavana 6


Picture for song 'Lagrima by F. Tarrega' by artist 'KevinD'

Lagrima by F. Tarrega

Classical General

Picture for song 'Tarleton's Resurrection by John Dowland' by artist 'KevinD'

Tarleton's Resurrection by John Dowland

A lament for Richard Tarleton the favorite jester of Queen Elizabeth I and member of Shakespeare's company.


Picture for song 'Melancholy Galliard John Dowland' by artist 'KevinD'

Melancholy Galliard John Dowland

Still a work in progress

Classical General

Picture for song 'Guardame Las Vacas' by artist 'KevinD'

Guardame Las Vacas

This piece is one of the first (1538) printed examples of theme and variation. Originally written for vihuela the title translates to "Guard the Cow".


Picture for song 'Leo Brouwer Etude No 6' by artist 'KevinD'

Leo Brouwer Etude No 6

Acoustic Guitar