Peace Wilson

Literary alternative spiritual guitar rock with distinctive vocals and arrangements.

8 top 50
10 songs
277K plays
Picture for song '13th Psalm' by artist 'Peace Wilson'

13th Psalm

Montage of Good Friday, Friday the 13th, Psalm 13 rumination; musically at crossroads of classic and alt rock.

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Here' by artist 'Peace Wilson'


Song recorded w/Mikaleno.

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'Oblivion (Love)' by artist 'Peace Wilson'

Oblivion (Love)

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Wildersoul' by artist 'Peace Wilson'


Perennial Voice in the Wilderness.

Avant Rock

Picture for song 'Wilding Wind' by artist 'Peace Wilson'

Wilding Wind

Jagged, slightly jazzy, alt rock ballad, live solo acoustic-electric, distinctive vocals.

Acoustic Vocals

Peace Wilson is a solo singer-songwriter-guitarist. Earlier project recorded w/Mikaleno. Currently raw overdriven acoustic.
Band/artist history
I've been a troubadour since the age of 17, & have probably gone through several distinctively different musical incarnations as such.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I play live in the film I'm making.
Your musical influences
My music is, in part, a vocal & guitar response to Leonard Cohen, Rolling Stones, Police, Joni Mitchell, David Bowie, Sonic Youth. Lyrically, I at times resemble an English language Octavio Paz. Mikaleno brought his unique guitar palette to the earlier project, alternately Crimsonesque, classic Spanish melodic, blues-rocky, and more.
Anything else?
I try to make my songs & sound a form of integral yoga, representative of cognitive values which serve the evolution of consensus norms.


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