The Celtic Tigers are a duo featuring Dave Bliss and Terry Bury. Irish Music, C&W, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Eric Clapton, U2, Travis, 60;s pop, 50's Ro
top 50

D-TWO Shadows Echo samples smaller low res
Echo sounds of the Shadows using my own custom echoes for TC D-TWO. Features Apache, Wonderful Land, Kon-tiki, Peacepipe and Sleepwalk samples. 100 accurate echo emulations based upon early Meazzi echo machines of 1960 period.

U2 - Edge Magicstomp sound demo

Nesun Dorma - Dave Bliss (Jeff Beck style) (m

U2 - Edge Magicstomp sound demo 390996

Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb with Magicstomp
Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb with Magicstomp using my special patches. Played on a Strat with just the magicstomp to mixer.
Show all (27)
Welcome to Dave Bliss and THE CELTIC TIGERS Music duo sound site.
Terry and I got tired of playing lonely solo gigs so got together and have gone from strength to strength since then.
We specialize in Irish Music with a twist. We combine electric and acoustic instruments together with carefully prepared backing tracks.
Playing a variety of different styles in one gig is demanding but great fun.
All styles are covered Irish, Country, Pop, Rock, Rock n Roll, Party Songs, Ballads, Blues, Jazz we can do it all.
The main thing is to play what the audience wants, because they pay the bills at the end of the day, so they get the biggest vote on gig music content.
Band/artist history
I've been playing guitar since age 11, and still learn something everyday.
I would love to play just blues rock like Rory Gallagher did, but sometimes we play what have to rather that what we want to, because we have to eat everyday....
Influences guitar wise must be Hank Marvin, Jimmy Page, Rory Gallagher, Larry Carlton, Mark Knopfler, Jeff Beck and loads more.
I have become a bit a of a guru on echo machines, effects and programming guitar effects for many people. Some to great effect, pun.
The Celtic Tigers feature Dave and Terry, we have both been involved with music for many years, but only recently formed as a duo. We love to play music that people like, nothing is better than having a great gang of people all singing along with everything you play.
It's like having all you mates round for a huge party when it goes well.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Play live in South of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Sunny nearly every day, I overlook the sea, what can I moan about really.
Average day/night temp all year is 23 deg C.
It gets considerably hotter some days, the sun is too much most of the time.
75% of the island is a national park and it has a wild beauty that is spectacular, ranging from forests, banana plantations, grape vines to volcanoes to huge ravines and even deserts.
Some great beaches and a lot of nightlife in the south here.
Your musical influences
60's Soul/ Motown. Van Morrison, Rory Gallagher, Larry Carlton. Pink Floyd. etc etc. Getting more into a softer side of jazzy / rock now. Recently developed at taste for Irish Music and currently play in duo called THE CELTIC TIGERS. A bar full or rowdy Irish is the best audience a band can get.
What equipment do you use?
Strat Relic, or my 63 original, Telecasters many, Turner Acoustic, De Armond Jazz box. Yamaha Magic Stomp used for most guitar stuff on it's own now. Fender Cybertwin, Roland GP100, Roland SC-880, Yamaha Tyros. H&K stuff. And other gadgets. Montarbo PA system, it's the best sound in the world for me. Shure microphones.
Anything else?
Starting to play Irish Bouzouki, it's like a long necked mandolin, tuned to GDAD. It's miles away from regular guitar in terms of chording, and is a beast to play, but I'm getting there. Sound is great for Celtic stuff, and makes you more aware of what notes actually work in this style.
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Comments (11)
Like the way you playing your guitar real amazing
greetz from saltcastle
Beautiful song and exclusive performance ! Congratulations !
All Songs Are Wonderful, but ok THIS one is Your Best Dave ! Congratulations ! Werner Maertens
Not one can play this better ! Congratulacions Dave !
Werner Maertens
I loved this song too and decided to give it a 25 Star !
Like My old Friend Gene Thomas (Texas) Used to say...
You don't need Written Lyrics...JUST LISTEN..and write them down yourself
If you like... Those days ..You can't hear the pronouncement ...
Here You hear the words ..loud and Clear ! Congratulations Dave !
Werner Maertens
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