We are Goatboy. Goatboy likes you!
Goatboy has been with us through the ages, spoiling the young and entertaining the wicked, started doi
Audiences flee running when they see our cloven feet, sharp horns and huge , er, potbellies
The harsher parts of last 50 years of music have brought the masses to me. Rock, metal, industrial, ambient and Britney have all conspired to put your souls in peril
ahhh, a question about our elctronic goodies. Hm, short list is PC, Mbox, Event TR5s, Roland D50, Event misi controller, shure sm58beta, cheapo sennheiser mic, cheapo electric bass, old hofner shortbody bass and many gnomes for doing hard stuff
Ill put stuff that Im working on here, pretty much all works in progress, and ill be changing them constantly.
Feel free to give constructive criticism (If anyone says "this totally suxorz" or something like that, then he/she will burn!)