Were a Christian Influenced band from a small town called Washington Court House, Ohio. We've been playing for almost two years, and have recorded recently this summer. We plan to do more playing this summer and we hope our fanbase grows with time. We are playing several gigs this summer, mostly youth festivals, and we will post our gigs as soon as they are finaized. "Go Forth, be happy, feel alive".
Here's how it all got started...
Well it all started when Brandon and Jim (James) became friends and would go to each other's house and play "How Many Times Can You Slap The Cow." Jim played drums and they decided that a guitar would add a little something to the mix. So Brandon learned to play guitar. At first he only had an old acoustic that he bought from an old nomad from somewhere in Turkey (though he had a western New Jersey accent). So anyway, they got progressively better until Brandon finally got an electric guitar and they played for the 8th grade talent show.
They were pretty crappy, but still not too bad considering their immense lack of skill which was on the verge of repulsive. They continued to get better and began to play with a local band composed of friends. The band was called "Orphan No More" and it was an alright gig, but they still sucked. Soon they were finished with that band and decided to try to do some things on their own with it. They endured many hardships and tribulations, staying up until nearly 8 o'clock practicing and being forced to get up at the wee hour of 7:30 in the morning for school. Eventually they gained a bass player named Michael. They needed a name, so one day they were in a gymnasium trying to think of a really good one when finally Brandon accidentally hit his hand on the bleacher and commented, "Ouch, man. I just hit my thumb knuckle." And so they came to be Thumbknuckle (notice the clever subtraction of the space between "thumb" and "knuckle" thereby creating a wicked awesome band name). He added a nice sound to the band and they played the first Battle of the Bands with him. It wasn't really a competition that year, so there was no 1st or 2nd place or awards, only a handful of tootsie rolls was given to each band.
Soon they gained a different bass player named John and michael began playing lead guitar and they suddenly realized they were finally starting to rock just a little. So they entered the second Battle of the Bands, and since this one was a competition they won 1st prize, which was a subsequently much larger handful of tootsie rolls than all the other bands. They went on from there to play at a few other places too, but soon college was coming and Michael had other interests, so he left the band. Thumbknuckle went on to play at a few more places and even record the song "Fallen" before John went to his college and Jim and Brandon went to one as room mates. Recently the band, now still consisting of John, Jim, and Brandon, gets together to practice every now and then but are unable to play concerts due to conflicting, busy schedules. However, they plan on recording another song sometime in the near future and playing at anyplace they can when they all finally get the time. And so lives on Thumbknuckle...
Yes. We play live a lot, almost every weekend. We love it, the feedback from the crowd is remarkable!
Silverchair, Weezer, Switchfoot, Eisley, Creed, Radiohead, Supertones, Franz Ferdinand
Les Paul Guitars, Ibanez bass, Pearl Drums.