iLL mindeds world

iLL Minded Gawd in Alaska

2 top 50
206 songs
445K plays
Picture for song 'Broken' by artist 'iLL mindeds world'
Picture for song 'I Smell Putang' by artist 'iLL mindeds world'

I Smell Putang

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Dope' by artist 'iLL mindeds world'


illmindedgawd on a sikc beat

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Copyrighted' by artist 'iLL mindeds world'


Julz & iLL Minded Gawd

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Hit The Moon' by artist 'iLL mindeds world'

Hit The Moon

iLL n Tracy

Hardcore Rap

I am iLL minded gawd a.k.a. triple X plicit a.k.a. about a hundred other names, Julian Ceaser aka Razor Tongue aka One Leg Wonder and Tracy Roscoe aka Daddy Complex. So anyway, we live in Anchorage, Alaska, and I created this glorious concept for all our present and future fans, cuz witout yall...there wouldn't be an iLL Mindeds World. So from the bottom uh muh heart, thanks fa yo support! Keep comin back and listenin, be sure to sign our guestbooks, message boards, but our music and muchos gracias. ;) post script:if you hate me... dont just hate me I mean REALLY FVCKING HATE ME! :)spank you berry mush(: NOW GO SUPPORT HIP HOP!
Band/artist history
I have been rappin' for a long long 2 months just holdin it down fa hip hop. word...
Have you performed in front of an audience?
yes, everywhere, very much so, lots
Your musical influences
Aesop Rock..........and.....well, I have too many, I listen to every type of music, thats the only way to fully appreciate it.
What equipment do you use?
my god given ear for music... ;) plus other stuff but that's top secret
Anything else?
make your music the way you want it!


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