So i guess this is where i tell you about the band, well we've been together for about 3 years now and we have finally mastered our sound. In the last 3 years we have progressed alot! Despite all the insults we have taken we are still doing what we love and thats bringing you the heaviest, loudest, hardest music in Philly! Personally I think all the insults have only made us stronger! We are just doing what we think is our calling in life.
Fuck yeah we play live! Thats the best part of bein in a band, to just play for people who are there to see you. We love our fans! We usually play anywhere we can get a show. So if want us to play a show somewhere just give us a shout! The highlights of our shows are the mosh pits! We love to see people get in there and tear eachother appart! We also love when we see a chick pit! Thats what we really want to see!!
Some of our major influences are Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Godsmack, Hatebreed, Slayer, and many more. We try and not sound like any other band out there though.
Yahmaha PA system, Marshall guitar cabs and heads, Fender bass cabs and heads, Ludwig drums, Ziljian symbols, a Gibson Flying V guitar, and a Leo Fender G&L L:1000
And we like to thank everyone who supports us. Our love goes out to you! You know who you are!!!!!