Michael DeFusco

Something - MAD
This song is so good, and George struggled to get his songs on the records.
![Picture for song 'Dont Take Me Alive [1]' by artist 'Michael DeFusco'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/75/images/m/band/michaeldefusco.webp)
Dont Take Me Alive [1]
Rehearsing along with a backing track for an upcoming gig, I think I like this one better as an instrumental, slip this one in sometimes for myself.

Kid Charlamagne
Rehearsing an instrumental version of Kid Charlemagne, I usually sing to this one, experimenting with the guitar tones and recording, excuse my mistakes.

Black Magic Woman
Rehearsing an instrumental version of Black Magic Woman, experimenting with tones, I usually sing to this one, made a few flubs oh well...

Pink Panther
Feeling a bit isolated from this craziness, playing along with a backing track of the Pink Panther.

Black Orpheus
Playing along with this track using my very first guitar, a second hand 1960's Kimberly I got for Xmas when I was 13 (Sears model I think). The single gold foil pickup gave me the Jazz sound I was looking for, it's been hanging on my wall forever...

The Rain Song
What a brilliant song! after finally learning it, I decided to record a little unplugged version with my Gitane D500 acoustic guitar.

AS - Recorded live with bass and drums, then I went back and added some additional guitar tracks. Synth sounds were done with a Godin LGXT Sytnth guitar.

The Forgotten
Playing along with a Joe Satriani backing track with my 2016 Les Paul Traditional; Helix Floor - Dr. Z Lead/top secret OD patch direct to Cubase.

Summer Song
Playing along with a the Joe Satriani backing track "Summer Song" with my 2016 Les Paul Traditional; Helix Floor - Dr. Z Lead/top secret OD patch direct to Cubase.

Crush of Love
Playing along with a backing track of Satch's Crush of Love, with my 2016 Les Paul Traditional; Helix Floor - Dr. Z Lead/top secret OD patch direct to Cubase.

MLP Blues
Playing two separate guitar tracks along with a blues backing track in D. Left channel- Fender Strat: Twin w/OD pedals Right channel- Les Paul: Fender Tweed/Marshall/Dr. Z all done thru a Line 6 Helix.

Night By Night
Little Steely Dan Instrumental, love the groove of this tune, playing a Les Paul guitar through a Helix modeler.

LittleWing 770612
Playing along with Double Trouble doing SRV's & Jimi's version of Little Wing using my new Line 6 Helix. The guitar is dropped to Eb utilizing the pitch detune.