Skeevy and the Skells

Average height and build, no distinctive features

1 top 1
7 top 50
8 songs
2.9K plays
Picture for song 'Birth Of A Working Man (The Job Song)' by artist 'Skeevy and the Skells'

Birth Of A Working Man (The Job Song)

A young man gets a mundane job, and he's okay with it, for the time being.

#23 in Americana

Picture for song 'Now We're Swingin' (Oh Yeah!)' by artist 'Skeevy and the Skells'

Now We're Swingin' (Oh Yeah!)

A song about Teri Gil and me.

Rock n Roll

Picture for song '(I'm A) Goldie and the Gingerbreads (Man)' by artist 'Skeevy and the Skells'

(I'm A) Goldie and the Gingerbreads (Man)

A tribute to Genya Ravan

Rock n Roll

Picture for song 'Right Here, Pal' by artist 'Skeevy and the Skells'

Right Here, Pal

For Rudy Giuliani and anyone else who wants to fuck with us.

Rock n Roll

Picture for song 'Whole Lotta Nuthin'' by artist 'Skeevy and the Skells'

Whole Lotta Nuthin'

That just goes to show what YOU know...

Rock n Roll

Loud (both in volume and lyrical content) and fast (both in tempo and how soon it's over).
Band/artist history
We're an accident waiting to happen. Drive us carefully...
Your musical influences
Cousin Brucie
Anything else?
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