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Lyrically Gifted Mindz

Lyrically Gifted Mindz

A rap group going back to it's roots.

2 songs
83 plays
Picture for song 'Down and Out the LGM way' by artist 'Lyrically Gifted Mindz'

Down and Out the LGM way

Hazard ripped this track to shreds!!!!
Picture for song 'Push' by artist 'Lyrically Gifted Mindz'


LGM had to grace this beat and show Em, Banks, and 50 what they had done wrong in the 1st place.
We're a rap group out the I.E. in southern California and we have two main members Tre and H-A-Z aka Hazard. We also got some up-and-coming artists still honing their skills. They go by the names of Black Ice, Lil' Sess, and M.I.C. We're young, starving and puttin in work all day every day.
Band/artist history
We (Tre and Hazard) got the name-Lyrically Gifted Mindz-in high school in 2002. We knew each other since junior high but started the group a couple years later. We were originally a freestylin' crew but we started writing tracks and we grew from there. We are still in the process of dropping our Debut LP after several underground mixtapes. 2005 and 2006 will be the years that mark the growth of Lyrically Gifted Mindz as a force in hip-hop to be reckoned with.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yeah... we do showcases all over southern California. We'll perform anywhere that has a stage, sound equipment and audience.
Your musical influences
Reallly RAW hip hop, and old school music. We listen to EVERY new track that comes out and we see what about the song made it popular. Tre likes a lot of underground also and Hazard likes a lot of old school dance music and funk. At the end of the day tho'.... we are our favorite artists.
What equipment do you use?
We stick to rapping and let our producers make the beats.
Anything else?
Lyrically Gifted Mindz is taking over!!!!!!!!!!!


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