Why? You may ask. It doesn't really matter why as long as it is funny, right? All we know is that prank phone calls are funny, especially when the person you are calling thinks you are 100% serious. That's why all are calls are only funny through the use of sarcasm. Sarcasm is the best type of comedy. On the back of every box of any type of dry food product there is a "1-800" telephone number, and at the end of every "1-800" number there is someone who sits on the line waiting for any questions or comments you may have. They are the perfect target for pranks. We have called over 50 major manufacturers and have compiled a collection of 15 of what we think are the best.
We currently have two CDs out... just Thanks4Calling volume 1&2 which is basically all of the calls that are on this website. We are starting on Thanks4Calling volume 3 "Wackier 4 the New Year", which should hopefully appeal to the public better than Vol.1&2 because the pranks will be shorter, to the point, and "wackier" than the previous pranks.
Prankster Pete, Albert Pujols, Rudy Tomnonovich, Big Poppa Popavich, Don Keedick, Rob Makoviak, Fast Eddie, Kelly Bromley, Gabriel Mendoza.
A Mic, a telephone, and a voice box.
NO (spanish for: no)