Mark is a student of music and is in a college band that is starting to gig regularly. He writes and records his own music at home and is currently building enough material to gig acoustically. "I think music is the only thing that silences the demons"
METAL METAL METAL in the 90's then mellowing with old age!
I have played a couple of acoustic numbers at a local folk club, playing solo is real scary! But I wanna do it a lot more when I get my shit together.
I don't know, I love bands like Alabama Thunderpussy, Kyuss, Slayer,Monster Magnet,Black Flag! but I don't seem to write anything that sounds like'em! Really pissed off bluesy stuff, too many to mention. Brant Bjork is really good, anything from the heart is cool because its honest.
I use Cakewalk for a sequencer, and a few different guitars (Dean, Kramer, Yamaha acoustic)
a RAT pedal and lots of plugin effects!
The Demo Cd is done, I have updated the mixes, check'em out, send me an Email, get a CD!
If the Devil is outhere I would consider selling up for a Gibson SG or a decent van!