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Trick T Olly

Trick T Olly
106 top 50
124 songs
365K plays
Picture for song '260 Helen Brown (poem of song 111 For The Sake of ' by artist 'Trick T Olly'

260 Helen Brown (poem of song 111 For The Sake of

Picture for song 'Good Morning This Afternoon #103 Alien Syndrome &' by artist 'Trick T Olly'

Good Morning This Afternoon #103 Alien Syndrome &

103 Good Morning This Afternoon and 102 I'm So Satisfied are sister songs, both started at a OTHS dance. I wrote 10 unfinished songs that night but I learned the way finish songs was to put the unfinished ones together, so the 10 songs became 2 songs
Picture for song 'A Song Is Love #128 Trick & Alien Syndrome Deluxe' by artist 'Trick T Olly'

A Song Is Love #128 Trick & Alien Syndrome Deluxe

It makes so much in more, if there is love at your door.
Picture for song 'The Night Wears On #125 Trick T Olly & Alien Syndr' by artist 'Trick T Olly'

The Night Wears On #125 Trick T Olly & Alien Syndr

Recorded August 5, 2024. All synths/keys: Bryan Anthony (Alien Syndrome Deluxe) Vocals: Patrick T Connolly Words and music by Patrick T. Connolly Produced by Bryan Anthony at Independent Bean Studio Armprior, Ontario, Canada.
Picture for song 'I'm So Satisfied #102 [Take 1] (2015)' by artist 'Trick T Olly'

I'm So Satisfied #102 [Take 1] (2015)

This is to a girl who I met at a dance once and never saw again. She was a brunette who made a big impression on me. This dance was at Oakville Trafalgar High School; one of the four public high school in my town of Oakville, Ontario, Cananda.
Elisha Zaporelostzi's first performances were the Open Stages put on by the Bytown Live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. It is how Neil Young and Joni Mitchell started. Phreap magazine is a one page thing that went around Ottawa in the 1980s. Now it is a web site; http://home.att.ne.jp/blue/patchan With the help of Joe-Charly Smith, Molly Ding, Calhoon-Fred Febealie, and Butter Jones I was able to put out Phreap magazine.
Band/artist history
I have a tape called the You Wont Like Most of It Tape and a booke called Put Your Bum To Work. both are being revised. See my site; http://home.att.ne.jp/blue/patchan/BumToWork.html
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I am on a busking tour or the world but sometimes the tour stops for a number of years. It is called the You Wont Like Most of it Tour. The tour started in Ottawa in 1987.
Your musical influences
I am dedicated to the works of Robert Jones and Philip Rosseter. They were contemporaries of Shakespeare and maybe did his music. See my web site at; http://home.att.ne.jp/blue/patchan/NewJones/RosseterJones.html


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