Mello, Weird, Bass, Experimental Noise
Mind Coffee
This Is Little Mix i made Esspecialy For SoundClick, The Beat and The Bass Were Both Produced And Recoreded Atr The Same Time, You Try Mixin up a beat and Playing The Guitar At The Same Time (and Yes It is A guitar, With The Bass Rite Up)
Mp3 Sound Effects Your Brain
Take A High Quality Sound And Thrash it a Bit, Re-Sample it, Re-Record It and Then Convert it to Mp3, The Feedback Totaly Makes Your Brain Fry.
What is sTaTe?
Its my Nickname, sTaTe
Cos im always in a sTaTe e.g WAISTED
So all this noise was made when waisted so it tends to be pretty mello, But dont hold me to that, Some of its Pretty NUTS too.
Band/artist history
BAND HISTORY....hmmmmmm
Well, I Woke Up One Day And Thought to my self, "I Wonder How You Make Music?", About Six Months Later i Sobered Up a bit and gave it a shot, At First i just messed around utill i made a good noise, and after a while I realised, Thats Actualy HOW YOU MAKE MUSIC, So here i am now.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Most Of thiese Tunes Aint Planned Its All Pretty Much Improv and some Beat Kickin, So YEH!, Its All Just Session Recodings and a Few Remastered Tracks (Even The Guitar Stuff)
Your musical influences
Well Its Tricky cos i like alot of Different Types of music, But its all Messed up Music.
SO think Wierd And Your Halfway, Now Stick a Beat to it, And thats my influence.
What equipment do you use?
Laptop,Guitar And i plug the Guitar into my AMP to record onto the laptop,And I use Different Programs to make beats THATS IT
Anything else?
Be A sTaTe,
Join Y.O.D.A
The Youths On Dope Alliance
(Waiting time and space since..... urr, we cant remember)
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