
Traditional acoustic music on violin and melodeon. Download music, and buy the CD online.

2 songs
793 plays
Picture for song 'Carousel' by artist 'Vivant'


A beautiful waltz from victorian times, played on melodeon and fiddle.

Traditional European

Picture for song 'Childgrove / Gabriel's Message' by artist 'Vivant'

Childgrove / Gabriel's Message

A tune from the Playford Collection on 17th Century English dance music, followed by an unusual reading of a well known Christmas Carol.

Acoustic Folk

Haunting instrumental music played by Mark Prescott on violin and Clive Williams on melodeon. We play acoustic traditional (mostly) music for listening or french traditional couple dancing. We do bookings in England and France - ours is thoughtful, intricate music, with a late night feel.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We play live in England and France - we have played at Gennetines traditional dance festival in France... playing through the night for couple dancing. Magic.
Your musical influences
Clive's greatly influenced by people such as Chris Wood, including his work with Andy Cutting, although our music has a more consistent late night mood to it. John Kirkpatrick, Tony Hall and many great diatonic accordion players from France including Marc Perrone, Yann Fanch Perroches, and indeed, Stephane Delicq. Mark's classically trained, and can play just about any style, bless him.
Anything else?
You can listen to more music by Clive on these band pages and