marijuana, beer, whiskey, alcohol, drug, sex, loud, buzz, buzzed, buzzing, high, naked, exposed, hard, heavy, weed, pot, grass, rock n' roll, metal, new, altern
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Your God 2012
Booty Love 2012
(F*ck You) With My Eyes 2012
Dark Sunday 2012
I'm On Something 2012
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HEADSTONE is a new all original Buzz Rock / Heavy Metal Band... Sex, Drugs, Beer, Rock N' Roll and Alcohol.
Band/artist history
HEADSTONE has been a band since 2002. Our members have differing musical backgrounds ranging from self instructed to formal training. Some of our musical backgrounds go back into the 80's. Within the first 2 years HEADSTONE wrot 2 albums worth of music, "An Ounce of HEADSTONE" released 04/20/2003 and "Buzz Rock For The Modern STONEHEAD" released 10/31/2004. Our members included on the first 2 recordings are current/permanent bandmates James Bong, E. Burns and S. K. Packman. "The Joint Chiefs of Stash" is our 3rd CD released 10/31/07. The fourth simply titled "4" (20 tracks) was written and recorded in 6 months released on 4/20/08. These 2 albums also featured Drummer Rob "Spyder" Chronic (Formerly of Sage) on the drums. HEADSTONE recorded our 5th album released 10/31/10 titled "The Higher Power". It featured Jordan T. Rips (Intercorpse, Blod Run Portriat and Formerly of Beneath the Sands) on guitar in place of E. Burns and Randy Roaches (Blood Run Portrait) on the drums. Over the years for some live performances but never featured on the recordings HEADSTONE also featured guitarists: Bud Token, Al Puffs (Formerly of DARKINSIDE), A. "Chief" Tepolt(Formerly lead singer of LEVEL), Bloody VERTZ (who also helped found the band) and J Meyer. HEADSTONE has opened up for notable bands such as Megadeth, Anthrax, Disturbed, Nonpoint, Testament, Death Angel, Machinehead, The Art of Dying, and more. With the addition of drummer Jazzy Zak and the return of E. Burns HEADSTONE is in the working on a 10 year anniversary Greatist Hits album and writing new material. HEADSTONE is currently touring under the line up of Shane Packman, E. Burns, James Bong, and Jazzy Zak. One time our band took a field trip to the home town of local canibal legand ED GEIN. We took pictures of headstones, and bought a bong from a porn store. It was cool.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
YES call (920)707-0952 or e-mail headstone@headstoneband.com for booking
Your musical influences
Pantera, SLAYER, Primus, Motley Crue, Black Sabboth, AC/DC, Megadeath, Metallica, Greatful Dead, Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Twisted Sister, Judas Priest, B.B. King, Bo Diddly, Sublime, Alice in Chains, Beastie Boys, Van Halen, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Quiet Riot, Smokey Robinson, Rick James, Jimi Hendrix, David Allen Coe, Led Zepplin, Guns N' Roses, Tool, Nirvana, Johny Cash, & Elvis -The King of Rock
What equipment do you use?
Whatever we can afford
Anything else?
Our bassist and lead singer have also done side projects with stuff at these sites
www.soundclick.com/bongssongs or www.soundclick.com/packone
Sorry, this artist currently doesn't accept email messages.
Comments (1,918)
Hey guys! Haven't looked at this site in..... lord, ages! You guys flippin' rock! Love it! Love, love, love :) We'll make our old stuff downloadable. Funny and awesome where the world is goin' We're heading to Colorado this weekend... land of the free :)
All Fukin Fives Guys ! .. This Song Rocks ! .. Tunin out very loud tonight on a bunch of HeadStone Songs.. Very fukin cool ! Hope we can share the same stage together to go out and Rock the world .. People Need ROCK.. What the Fuk ... Anyways, Very Badd Ass, Ready to fukin go, Should be fukin touring. Give the world some fukin Real Rock in their Face ! They need it Bad... L8R, Gary
Headstone ! Right on ! Long time ! Have to check out your new stuff with my new gear.. Dont worry. I will turn it up. L8R, Gary www.mindtrip9.com
What's up boyz...lucifer's b*** ...ain't we all.....just thought I'd get that off my chest. Pack that bowl boyz.....
Smoking metal cuz rock on !
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