
Just a guy from Toronto making some noise.

3 top 50
27 songs
12.6K plays
Picture for song 'What Comes in Winter' by artist 'Chinaman'

What Comes in Winter

Tried to add an orchestra behind an acoustic guitar. The more I added the less the guitar fit, so I removed it and leaned into the Christmas feel that was happening... It's a bit different from what I usually do.

#33 in Symphonic 110 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Before I Forget' by artist 'Chinaman'

Before I Forget

Rough mix of a piece written for my kids. There may come a day that I don't remember them.

Rock General No samples

Picture for song 'Star Stuff - rough mix' by artist 'Chinaman'

Star Stuff - rough mix

Named because I used an Ibanez Universe and wrote it while watching Cosmos, by Dr. Carl Sagan... Not because I think I'm a star or anything like that.

Rock General

Picture for song 'The DADGAD Tune' by artist 'Chinaman'


Just mapping out a song I was fooling around with.. One day I'll come back to it and do it right.

Rock General

Picture for song 'Dreams Of Blue - Chinaman & Slick Experience' by artist 'Chinaman'

Dreams Of Blue - Chinaman & Slick Experience

Me noodling over "Dreams Of Blue" by Slick Experience. Check out his page at


No band, just me.
Band/artist history
I started playing bass in grade 10 and switched to guitar by mid-semester because I couldn't find guitar players who wanted to play what I was interested in... About 20 years ago I was contacted by an ex-coworker who wanted me to play guitar on an album she was recording. That project was never completed but during the sessions I became friends with her producer/studio owner. I was invited to come hang out and learn more about production and maybe get the chance to jump in on some recording sessions... I ended up becoming the studio session guitarist and I'm still doing it today.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I've filled in for guitarists of various bands for a gig or two, and I was the rhythm guitarist for a showcase concert. Other than that, I just play in the studio or by myself.
Your musical influences
I listen to mostly rock and blues, but there are some things that I like in almost all kinds of music.
What equipment do you use?
These days my setup is very simple because my studio room was turned into a bedroom... Guitar to Behringer UMC22 audio interface to laptop.
Anything else?
Most of these recordings are old but I hope you find something you like... I'm open to working with anyone. Any genre, doesn't matter.


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