through my eyes

Solo, but still with that t-o

5 songs
1.3K plays
Picture for song 'so real' by artist 'through my eyes'

so real

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'one day' by artist 'through my eyes'

one day


Hip Hop

Picture for song 'baby gurl' by artist 'through my eyes'

baby gurl

a song i did for my gurl

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'ghetto queen' by artist 'through my eyes'

ghetto queen

Basically of love jon, so holla me

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'them g's and hustlers (freestyle)' by artist 'through my eyes'

them g's and hustlers (freestyle)

This is a track off the albulm through my eyes, baiscally a 60 bar freestlye..

Hip Hop

Ayo im know as money, this is just a page that im a post all of my songs off my nea albulm (through my eyes)
Band/artist history
Well , im with a small time label known as thor-o ent. that features dommie-o, youngreese,streetboi, and my self
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Well i got acouple of songs on some small radio stations, and usually my songs get played here and there in acouple of clubs.
Your musical influences
basically , 2 pac, big, fab,banks,jaehood,jayz,stackbundles,jr writer etc.
What equipment do you use?
acidpro 4.0 thats it
Anything else?
Well big up's to everyone who listens to my songs, thanks for all of the support and im out holla "


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