The Hill Sisters

The Hill Sisters were a Trio in 1950's Detroit.

2 top 50
6 songs
936 plays
Picture for song 'Every Day of MY Life' by artist 'The Hill Sisters'

Every Day of MY Life

basement recording. 1980's Detroit

Acoustic Vocals

Picture for song 'Let me Go Daddy'O' by artist 'The Hill Sisters'

Let me Go Daddy'O

Jackie Carbone recording with The Hill Sisters on backing vocals 1950's Detroit MI

Rock n Roll

Picture for song 'Piano Roll Blues' by artist 'The Hill Sisters'

Piano Roll Blues

A 1980's basement recording of 1950's recording artists "The Hill Sisters" from Hazel Park, MI

Acoustic Vocals

Picture for song 'Love Me' by artist 'The Hill Sisters'

Love Me

An Elvis cover tune by The Hill Sisters in the 1980's. (basement recording)

Rock n Roll

Picture for song 'Advertising For Love' by artist 'The Hill Sisters'

Advertising For Love

This song is about a girl waiting to find her true love.

Rock n Roll

The Hill Sisters were a Trio that started their music career back in 1955 (Hazel park, Michigan). Members: Lynne Hill Carol Hill Beverly Hill
Band/artist history
The Hill Sisters were a trio that started their music career back in 1955. The Hill Sisters recorded a few records before they decided to end their music career. The Trio sang back-up vocals on a few different records for a promising young vocalist named "Jackie Carbone". You can hear them singing back-up vocals on Jackie Cabone's "Circo's Records" 45 release of "Let Me Go Daddy-O" and "The Lovely Lady In Blue". The Hill Sisters also released a solo record of their own on Barry Gordy's "Anna Records" with the songs "Hit And Run Away Love", and "Advertising For Love" They also performed live on the "Soupy Sales" show in 1959 performing "I hear It Everywhere". More to come soon!


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