James Douglas

Rock in Many Different Styles

23 songs
2.4K plays
Picture for song 'Tribute' by artist 'James Douglas'


Tribute to all the great guitar players in the 60's

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Reach' by artist 'James Douglas'


Reach out for love

Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Sun is Crashing Down' by artist 'James Douglas'

Sun is Crashing Down

Fun Folk song.

Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Faded Memory' by artist 'James Douglas'

Faded Memory

Song about friends you had long ago.

Acoustic Vocals

Picture for song 'Youll Be Sorry' by artist 'James Douglas'

Youll Be Sorry

Song about people who try to push you around.

Acoustic Folk

James is a Rock Musician in the Salt Lake area playing all types of music in the Rock tradition.
Band/artist history
20 years playin live in Salt Lake and surrounding area
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, all over salt lake city.
Your musical influences
Cream, Yes, Wallflowers,
Anything else?
Behind the Green Door # 567 in Metal. Total songs: 46,023 # 288 in Heavy Metal. Total songs: 21,461 Brand New Day # 420 in World. Total songs: 39,840 # 43 in Traditional Celtic. Total songs: 1,051 City Alive # 830 in Alternative. Total songs: 93,347 # 30 in Brit Pop. Total songs: 2,031 City Woman # 140 in Blues. Total songs: 17,280 # 9 in Jump Blues. Total songs: 487 Fallen For You # 698 in Pop. Total songs: 52,897 # 146 in Pop Rock. Total songs: 11,756 Fine Time # 354 in Metal. Total songs: 46,023 # 68 in Alternative Metal. Total songs: 7,608 Following your Heart # 505 in Rock. Total songs: 111,894 # 40 in Folk Rock. Total songs: 3,652 Hang Tight # 566 in Pop. Total songs: 52,897 # 139 in Pop Rock. Total songs: 11,756 Hot Car # 686 in Pop. Total songs: 52,897 # 197 in Pop Rock. Total songs: 11,756 No One Stopping Me # 401 in Acoustic. Total songs: 69,876 # 105 in Acoustic Rock. Total songs: 13,126 Reach # 691 in Acoustic. Total songs: 69,876 # 69 in Acoustic Folk. Total songs: 8,945 Running # 836 in Rock. Total songs: 111,894 # 75 in Classic Rock. Total songs: 5,567 Sun is Crashing Down # 417 in Acoustic. Total songs: 69,876 # 45 in Acoustic Folk. Total songs: 8,945 The Chase # 1,842 in Rock. Total songs: 111,894 # 149 in Progressive Rock. Total songs: 9,758 The other side # 124 in Latin. Total songs: 9,988 # 12 in Latin Jazz. Total songs: 723 Too Young # 572 in Acoustic. Total songs: 69,876 # 138 in Acoustic Rock. Total songs: 13,126 Train # 517 in Alternative. Total songs: 93,347 # 26 in Avant Rock. Total songs: 4,594 What you See # 1,337 in Rock. Total songs: 111,894 # 137 in Progressive Rock. Total songs: 9,758 Wind in my Hair # 1,076 in Acoustic. Total songs: 69,876 # 82 in Acoustic Folk. Total songs: 8,945 Youll Be Sorry # 516 in Acoustic. Total songs: 69,876 # 58 in Acoustic Folk. Total songs: 8,945


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