Diego Music Creations

Electronica experimental

9 top 50
546 songs
206K plays
Picture for song 'Government Conspiracy (War Games)' by artist 'Diego Music Creations'

Government Conspiracy (War Games)

Today #15 in Electronic

#2 in Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Government Conspiracy (Tower detonation sequence)' by artist 'Diego Music Creations'

Government Conspiracy (Tower detonation sequence)

Slick and high tech song based on the latest 911 documentarys in the google video section.Just look up'911 Eyewitness' on google video,thats where i got the scientific account used in this song.Great beats and melodys!

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Government Conspiracy (No jet hits the Pentagon)' by artist 'Diego Music Creations'

Government Conspiracy (No jet hits the Pentagon)

Synth melodys i created off the top of my head with very experimental beats and CNN news footage take on the 911 pentagon explosion taken from Dylan Averys documentary,very experimental !!!

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Remote controlled Jets' by artist 'Diego Music Creations'

Remote controlled Jets

Creative Symphony melodys to Zoom and Reaktor Beats.I thought in 2001 that remote controlled jets was nuts but definitely not now,i fully know that no people where on those jets its all a farce! I Did in 2001 think Americans did this!

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'George Bush (This Vile Display)' by artist 'Diego Music Creations'

George Bush (This Vile Display)

Symphony Bush quote and Beats

Experimental Sounds

Influenced by kraftwerk from Germany and the History Channel
Band/artist history
I played saxophone and violin in the school bands
Have you performed in front of an audience?
No,but i have in the past school bands yet if asked i would.
Your musical influences
Kraftwerk from Germany and the History Channel
What equipment do you use?
Gateway Celeron Essential , ZT Element, Pentium Processors,Acid pro 4.0,Cool edit , ,ZoomRhythmTrak RT-123 Drum Machine,Native Instruments software made in Germany!


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