Dark Carpathia
Die Symphonie von Vampir
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Comments (2)
I havn't the time to listen to the song right now but I will when I get back from University, but I'd like to say (not in a jackass way)
Die Symphonie von Vampir means "The symphony of vampire". If you wanted The Symphony of the vampire it's "Die Symphonie der Vampir" or The symphony of Vampires it's "Die Symphonie von Vampire". You add the -e on the end to make it plural but it's not -e for every word though, it could be nothing or -en or many other endings.
Keep it metal, keep it true comrade.
VERY IMPRESSIVE!! This is some amazing musicianship here. Puts a lot of the instrumentals/intro's of commerical bands to shame. The spoken passage that came in near the end was a nice touch also. Can't wait to here more stuff from you.