
Early material, mostly done in high school.

2 top 50
51 songs
10.1K plays
Picture for song 'The Grand Adventure' by artist 'MGrave'

The Grand Adventure

fantasy story about some scroll being retrieved by some ocean somewhere in magic land 128k does not do it here:

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'Panic In The Sea Of Genocide' by artist 'MGrave'

Panic In The Sea Of Genocide

Short Instrumental

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'Soul To Ahriman' by artist 'MGrave'

Soul To Ahriman

Probably one of my most epic acheivements. Sounds like Summoning and generic viking stuff.

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'I Swam Through The Lake Of Blood' by artist 'MGrave'

I Swam Through The Lake Of Blood

Vox aren't the best here - which is a shame because i had some pretty cool lines now and then. Jazzy, Brutal (in an old school way), and Melodic

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'Another Viking Song' by artist 'MGrave'

Another Viking Song

Death/Black Metal

this stuff is old
Anything else?
Our favorite soundclick bands are: Ragnar - Duh Winter of Vehemence Lidian Forest Olde Bombensturm Mikill Todesfaust Cerebal wutever Azaroth Seregost Serpent Lord Funeral Dusk Odin's Forest


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