Terry Ponder

My Name is Terry Ponder. I'm a Musician, and a songwriter. I do not have a specific style, I like all kinds of music, I hope I have something that you will

8.2K plays
Terry Ponder is a Musician, songwriter, that has a passion for music, ever since he was a young boy about the age of 10, he has been in love with the guitar. His parents being very supportive and having cousins that played in a band, he learned by ear and watching them play. now years later the passion has not died, as a matter of fact its stronger than ever. He has now been playing music for over 30 years, and has had some great oppertunities to play with some very talanted musicians. open for some great bands such as Ian Moore and others. even though now he records most of his music in his own home studio and dosent play out much, he still has lots to offer the fan of Music. divers taste and the love of many different styles of music converge and you get the sound that is Terry Ponder... Enjoy
Band/artist history
I played for The Trust in houston texas for about 13 years. Man what a blast, I think if we had been much smarter about what we wanted that band maybe could have made it, but alass, it was not ment to be. But today I still Love music as much as I did only I record most of it my self. Enjoy Terry
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I love to play live, I havent done it in a while as im working on a new CD,
Your musical influences
The Freddy Jones band, Pink Floyd, Kiss, Thin Lizzy.
What equipment do you use?
Fender Strat, Pod Line 6 for recording. Marshall amps for live.


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