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Dj Hafkut

Dj Hafkut

Hard bass lines are combined with trance influenced beats for a rich, hypnotic sound. No music boundaries or limitations were used in the making of this music.

5 songs
486 plays
Picture for song 'Chronic' by artist 'Dj Hafkut'


Chronic is a slow, melodic tune where i tried using two bass synths instead of one, the results of which i found to be very cool. Check this one out.
Picture for song 'By the Pound' by artist 'Dj Hafkut'

By the Pound

By the Pound (a.k.a. the VW commercial) is a catchy tune that kindof reminds me of a vw commercial's music. A medium paced beat with lots of low end for your sub woofers.
Picture for song 'Gone Crackerz' by artist 'Dj Hafkut'

Gone Crackerz

Gone Crackerz is a must have for anyones collection. This song has the best kick in i have ever created and a solid beat which could almost be described as "stripper" music. Your sure to enjoy this one.
Picture for song 'Moment of Clarity' by artist 'Dj Hafkut'

Moment of Clarity

This song has some pretty cool echo effects and bass line to back it up. You could almost describe this one as trippy.
Picture for song 'Out of Nowhere' by artist 'Dj Hafkut'

Out of Nowhere

This is the first track off my next cd. A cool hypnotic sound with rich, full bass, like I would do anything else. Download now to avoid future embarassment.
Hard bass lines are combined with trance influenced beats for a rich, hypnotic sound. No music boundaries or limitations were used in the making of this music. I do all my music on my computer. I use Rebirth to create sets and the I edit them using multitrack recording software. I have subs in my car , and I like to hear them come to life. I have always loved the rumble of good bass. I decided to put my own impression of bass into a music cd that was origionally intended to be simply a "bass tester", but as my skills in rebirth changed, and my lack of enjoyment for just about everything else set in, I found myself looking for new things to try, and finished with some pretty good sounds. I hope you enjoy my music, and if you like it, please, tell your friends.
Your musical influences
Paul Oakenfold, Dj Tiesto, Dj Sakin, Fred and Enger. I like experimental trance, and thats what u get.
What equipment do you use?
I use a computer with Rebirth. I also use Cool Edit Pro for Multitrack Recording.
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